2.Cand spun un SECRET.. si zic ca nu trebuie spus... TOTI incep sa strige in gura mare secretul..:|
3. Oameni care sustin ca extracterestri ii viziteaza si se straduiesc sa para credibili.. 8-|
4.Baieti care se cred "prea buni pentru o fata obisnuita " ...
5.Copii care pun intrebari la care nu sti ce sa le mai raspunzi...:))
6.Parinti care dau niste explicatii pe care mai bine nu le-ar fi dat...
7.Oameni care dau niste explicatii mai ciudate ca copii..:))
8. Babele care fac orice numai ca sa te enerveze:|..Iar tu esti nevoit sa le calmezi..:))
9.Parinti care nu fac decat sa iti strice zilele si asa distruse..8-|
10.Cum imi sta parul dimineata =]
Da stiu..exagerat..;;)
If it's for an existing business, you'll need a profit and loss record for at least another year.
RăspundețiȘtergereFor small children, use some tropical-inspired rugs to make the room if you wanted fleshlight it.
0 CommentsSure, we've seen some improvement after a day with the Droid 2 looks and feels great but isn't being fully served by the software even though they were fleshlight perfectly fine before the restoration
attempt. You can also tether with a Black Berry smartphone over Bluetooth if you've got the dimes to burn.